Re-Tooling TBL

For several years TBL was a blog where I wrote about a wide variety of topics. Those postings are still in the Blog Archive and many are about professional development for engineers. I am now transitioning TBL to be a place where my current and former students can find information related to job searches.

Monday, July 16, 2007


This entry is about To Do Lists. Having a TDL at the beginning of each day is the key to productivity. Time after time, if I show up at work without a to do list, my day just disappears and the amount of important things I get done is low. If I show up with a to do list, I can pound a ton of things out by noon. Here are my tips for a successful TDL:

* Go retro and use actual paper instead of a PDA. I've tried Palm etc. and the TDL is hidden, kind of out of site out of mind.

* Get some card stock - I use pink and blue (when my boss asks me to do something - I reach into my pocket and say "let me put in on my BLUEberry or RASPberry"). Card stock is easier to handle.

* Making my TDL is a three step process:
1. Using a piece of scratch paper I write down everything I need to do the next day.
2. I then go through and make some categories (grant, classwork, emails, personal, whatever). Then I take the card stock which is folded in 1/4ths and copy the list for each category.
3. Finally I go through each category and prioritize with a number (1 being the thing I will do first).

* When I get to work I get right down to crossing things off of the lists. And there is great satisfaction in crossing off each thing on the list (again much more fun on paper than digitally).

TBL: Improve your productivity - use a TDL.

1 comment:

Justin said...

I just want to leave a book suggestion on the table. It's quite similar to the method I use, but isn't really focused on engineering (since I am not in that field). The book is called "Time Management for System Administrators" ISBN 0596007833 - It's basically time management for the person that the typical time management training things don't work for.