Re-Tooling TBL

For several years TBL was a blog where I wrote about a wide variety of topics. Those postings are still in the Blog Archive and many are about professional development for engineers. I am now transitioning TBL to be a place where my current and former students can find information related to job searches.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Independence Day

On the eve of the 4th of July, a day that commemorates this country's declaration of independence from tyranny, I am thinking about all of the servicemen and servicewomen who will spend this holiday away from home.

I do not in any way condone the political quagmire called the war on terror. However, I am in our country's military because I believe I have an obligation to do my small part to repay those who have given their life for our freedom and to those who have dedicated a part of their life by serving in the military.

Tomorrow I will be with my family on the lake having fun, but I will be thinking a lot about my friends, colleagues, and my daughter who are sacrificing their holiday for us.

TBL: We don't all have to serve, but we definitely should think about the debt we owe those who do.

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