Re-Tooling TBL

For several years TBL was a blog where I wrote about a wide variety of topics. Those postings are still in the Blog Archive and many are about professional development for engineers. I am now transitioning TBL to be a place where my current and former students can find information related to job searches.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Paradigm Shift

For the past few days I have been in San Antonio for my daughter's graduation from Air Force basic training. I've seen the change in her, heard stories about what the past 7 weeks were like, and seen a DVD made about the experience. It has been an occurrence for me to reflect back to 1988 when I went through a similar 6 week experience. People have different opinions about the military and about those of us in the military. But that aside, there can be no arguing the worth of an experience that pushes you to your limits and far beyond what you previously thought your limits were. The paradigm shift, the expansion of personal boundaries, that comes from a basic training type experience is incredible. I recommend you look for such opportunities in life and jump at them if possible.


Anonymous said...

way to go lizzie!

Anonymous said...

Everyone should have to go through basic training upon graduating from high school. It will teach dicipline, and provide well, basic training for the young people in this country. It will provide a valuable foundation for this country.